
Bedford is a suburban community of Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. Bedford is home to nearly 23,000 residents and is made up of well-established suburban neighbourhoods lying on the northwestern end of the Bedford Basin. It was founded in 1750 and was an independent town until 1996. Prior to the construction of the A Murray MacKay bridge the Bedford Highway that ran along the Bedford Basin was the route to Halifax from Sackville, Dartmouth, Highway 2 east from Moncton and Highway 3 from the Annapolis Valley.

More about the community

On April 1, 1996, Bedford was amalgamated with Halifax, Dartmouth, and Halifax County Municipality to form the Halifax Regional Municipality (HRM) for the municipal level of government. The place name still exists, however, for 911, mail, legal and other services.

Sawmilling was one of the area’s first industries and gave name to Paper Mill Lake, which was built in 1819, making it one of the oldest sawmills in Canada.

Bedford is home to the most expensive waterfront real estate south of the Northwest Arm in Halifax south. Subdivisions in the 1980’s in Bedford were home to upper middle-class families within the mix of the original Bedford homes with blue-collar workers employed in the heavy rail traffic along the Bedford Basin.

The Bedford Highway was home to several motels and restaurants serving the many travelers and tourists coming into Halifax. The Bedford Highway at the south end intersects off to Dartmouth and Lower Sackville.

There are several grade schools in the district, making it an excellent location for families. Bedford Days is an annual summer festival that attracts over 20,000 people each year and features a variety of family-friendly activities and entertainment.

Bedford is also serviced by a growing and dynamic business community that is represented by the Bedford Business Association, as well as the Atlantic Acres and Bedford Industrial Parks. The community is very well-serviced by public transportation, as well as roads and highways, sidewalks and walking paths.



  1. Basinview Drive Community School: Grades PP - 4
  2. Bedford South School: Grades PP – 4
  3. Rocky Lake Elementary: Grades 5 – 6
  4. Sunnyside Elementary (Eaglewood Drive): Grades 3 – 6 & Grades 2 – 6 French Immersion
  5. Sunnyside Elementary (Fort Sackville): Grades PP – 1 French Immersion


  1. Rocky Lake Junior High: Grades 7 – 9 (English & French)


  1. Bedford and Forsyth Education Centres (Bedford Campus): Grades 10 – 12
  1. Charles P. Allen High: Grades 10 – 12 (English & French)