Choosing A Home Renovator

Choosing A Home Renovator

As location is most often the most important factor when deciding on a home more people are choosing to renovate their existing home then move the family to a new area.

Once you’ve made the decision to renovate it’s important to find a home renovation company that meets 6 key criteria

(1) experience: not just how long they have been in business but the experience they have themselves in the actual work. There are many home renovation company owners that have never actually held a hammer in their hand. They don’t have the sharp eye of an experienced carpenter. One wall or counter out of plumb can throw off the finishes of everything else in the room

(2) sharing and contributing to your vision: do they just listen to what you’re asking for and then go off to price it? A good renovator will know immediately if items your asking can be done in your existing home. They also contribute with ideas from previous jobs, ideas they have seen during their own research on line and most importantly telling you why certain items you want won’t work.

(3) communication and compatibility: As in every interaction you have, personalities have a big impact on how well you work with someone. A home renovation is usally a substantial investment and also you’ve made the decision to stay in the home you are renovating for many more years so who you’re comfortable with and like as a person is an important part of the decision on which company you hire   This person is going to be leading a team that will be in your personal space for the duration of the work

(4) budget: don’t always go with the lowest price! If there is a substantial difference in the price between two quotes, ask why.   Coming in low and then adding during the job is, unfortunately the way some companies will get your business. Also being extremely high may indicate the company is top heavy with costs you will pay for.  Ask if the company owner will be on site and contributing their skills on a daily basis.

(5) references: this is one I cannot stress enough! Ask for references including contact information and call the references. If this company cannot provide a contact number for past clients I would show them the door.

(6) insurance: also make sure the company is registered and insured. It is a good idea to ask for a copy of their insurance policy.

(7) contract: make sure there is a written contract outlining the details of the job and costs.  Any changes that are made to the work should also be in writing.  Renovation companies require a deposit up front of 30 – 50% up front the same as a cabinet company.

(8) two quotes:  It is a good idea to get more than one quote, especially if you feel the price is a little high.  Don’t get me wrong costs have gone up especially for the custom bathrooms that are popular right now.  If a company has too much overhead you will be paying for it in the end.

Remember this is your most valuable asset and mistakes made during a renovation can impact other areas of your home.

Of course, you might also decide that renovation isn’t the right move. Sometimes moving is the right move. If you ultimately decide to relocate, I’d be happy to help you find a home that has exactly what you’re looking for (or can be upgraded to meet your needs). Get in touch!

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